
Our videos are posted on YouTube under the channels CAMGA,Inc and Stubborn Old Gardeners.

We staff the Master Gardener Helpline March through August on Thursdays from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. The helpline number is 1-877-252-4769.

 The Service Report web site is where we log our volunteer hours.  You must be an intern or a member to gain access.  Here is the “Reach for the Stars” criteria on the AMGA site.  Here is how we count volunteer hours  and here is a “Volunteer Hours Categories Guide” with examples of activities that fit each category.

Our small library of gardening books, located at the Elmore County Extension Offices,  is listed in this searchable online catalog.   Ignore the Patron login.  Using the little box in the upper right corner, search by title, author, publication date, or Dewey Decimal classification.

Here is the Alabama Master Gardener web site and the ACES Alabama Master Gardener web site.

Here is the Elmore County Extension Office web site where we have our meetings.

At the ACES publication store and Extension Learning Network you can get information on a wide variety of horticulture topics and most are free to download.

Here are our current CAMGA,Inc Bylaws and our Advanced MG Certification process.

Please use this form when paying your annual dues:Annual CAMGA Membership Form.

If a CAMGA member or intern needs a reimbursement from the Treasurer please fill out and submit this CAMGA 2023 Reimbursement Form.

Use this form to sign in volunteers: CAMGA Volunteer Sign-In Form .

Click HERE to like us on Facebook (must already have a Facebook account and be logged on).facebok-icon

To check where power, cable, gas, and water lines are located before you dig dial 811.