About CAMGA, Inc

The Central Alabama Master Gardener Association, Inc (CAMGA, Inc) trains selected gardeners who can assist and extend the work of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) in our area. Members volunteer their time and expertise to support the Extension effort related to education and service. The Central Alabama Master Gardener Association, Inc (CAMGA,Inc) supports the Elmore County Extension Office. Most of our members live in Elmore County, but some of us hail from other nearby counties.

CAMGA, Inc has set up its own YouTube channels: CAMGA, Inc and Stubborn Old Gardeners. Videos on our Stubborn Old Gardeners channel will follow a consistent format and provide basic and advanced gardening instruction produced by CAMGA members and other master gardeners.

Visit our Contact Us page if you would like to email us.

Here are the programs that will be presented at upcoming meetings.

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